Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman
Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman owned the Wine Merchants, Ltd. Companies, located in New York, Ohio and Florida, for more than 50 years. Throughout their lives, the Reismans were passionate supporters of community organizations. Marshall was president, board member and chairman of the Jewish Community Center and Temple Adath Yeshurun, and was also on the board of trustees of Crouse Irving Memorial Hospital, the Central New York Community Foundation, Syracuse Stage, The Culinary Institute of America, the Everson Museum of Art, Cazenovia College, and several other boards.
Dorothy and Marshall Reisman were both born in Syracuse, New York in 1914. Marshall Reisman and Dorothy Gilbert were married in 1938 and were residents of both Syracuse and Cazenovia. Marshall Reisman attended Syracuse University in the early 1930’s. He became a successful entrepreneur in many business ventures, including wholesale wine distribution, janitorial services, car rental franchises, and a number of other endeavors.
Marshall was always willing to give an opportunity to someone who had a desire to succeed. The Foundation looks for that “desire to succeed” in its applicants.
Marshall passed away in February, 2009, predeceased by Dorothy in January, 2008.
The Foundation is governed by federal tax law and accordingly disburses funds to tax exempt (501(c)(3)) organizations approved by the internal Revenue Services (IRS).
The Reisman foundation is pro-active in seeking grant proposals from qualifying 501(c)(3) organizations as well as accepting unsolicited proposals.

Our Mission
The Dorothy and Marshall M. Reisman Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to the stewardship of the funds entrusted to its care. The Foundation is committed to using its resources to enhance the quality of life through support of organizations located primarily in Onondaga County, New York.